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The Dave McGillivray Finish Strong Foundation partners with the top endurance events in the nation to present opportunities to support our mission. Runners can fundraise for the foundation to gain their spot in the most coveted and dreamed-of races in the country as members of Team Finish Strong. Some of the events we partner with include:

Big Sur International Marathon

129th Bank of America Boston Marathon®

2025 United Airlines NYC Half®

Interested in running with Team Finish Strong? Reach out to us today.


We would love to suggest a fun new giveaway item to add to your races – especially your children’s events – that helps support our mission to increase physical activity, expand literacy, and build community and self-esteem through running, reading, and performing acts of kindness!

Rather than simply providing traditional t-shirts, medals, hats, gloves and other such items, we’d love for you to consider offering books to your youngest finishers. Dave’s three children's books inspire, motivate and captivate. His publisher recently began offering the books in paperback at a very affordable rate, comparable to the finisher gifts you may already provide. Proceeds from each book will go to the foundation, where we focus funds on inspiring children to set goals, not limits, and to believe in themselves.

If you might be interested in offering this unique giveaway that truly makes an impact – both for the recipient and for those we support through Finish Strong – contact us today!

We've designed this opportunity to help support the foundation. We're seeking a $4 per book donation to Finish Strong plus shipping. This could be a donation from your organization or from a sponsor!

We would of course be happy to provide you or your sponsor with marketing materials and language to help you showcase your generous support of our mission. 


Opportunities to donate your time and skills are coming soon!